Sell Your House Fast in California
We Buy Houses Anywhere In California, And At Any Price. Check Out How Our Process Works. We’re Ready To Give You A Fair Offer For Your House. We Buy Houses In Any Situation.
What Are The Benefits of Selling To Us
We buy houses As-Is, In ANY condition, for ANY reason with ANY problem
We buy houses without agents so you will not pay the 6% commission fee
We will PAY all the closing costs- so you will not pay ANY of those 2% fees
We can pay for a Packing services or a Local Moving Truck , leave behind ANYTHING
We pay cash for houses, No Appraisal needed and no wait time for bank loan approval
We can Close when you want and when is best for you (NOW or LATER)
We can help find you a new rental or house to buy
We will be transparent about how we buy houses and throughout every step of the process
Get your offer with peace of mind, knowing you are dealing with a legit and reputable company with reviews from happy sellers. We want to buy your house and help you! Our company has over 50 years of experience buying, selling and flipping houses.
~Krysta Englestad
We Offer No-Obligation, Hassle Free, Risk Free Way To Sell You House
Are you currently facing any of these situations and looking to sell your house?
- Are You In Foreclosure or Are About To Be?
- Do You Own Unwanted Rental Property?
- Have to sell your house because you live in another state?
- Do You Have Frustrating Tenants (Or Family Members) That You Can’t Get Rid Of? Are you a Tired Landlord?
- Do You Own A Vacant Property?
- Did You Inherit An Unwanted Property?
- Do You Need To Relocate Quickly And Need To Sell Your Current House Fast?
- Do You Want To Avoid Paying Realtor Commissions?
- Are You Going Through A Divorce?
- Do You Have Little Or No Equity And Need To Sell?
- Do You Own A “Fixer Upper” That You Don’t Want To Fix Up Or Don’t Have Time To Fix Up?
If you answered “yes” to one or more of these questions, we can help! We are specialists in solving real estate problems… especially ones that pose a financial burden on you, the homeowner. We can solve almost any financial problem that your property is causing. If you need to sell your house today, or in the near future, call us, we can help you right away.
All of this 100% free to you (we don’t charge you any fees). 100% no hassle. 100% no obligation. No commitment.
Fill Out The Form Below And
We’ll Chat With You In Less Than 24 Hours
What Do You Have To Lose? Get Started Now...
Or give us a call at (415) 234-0548 to chat with us over the phone