How We Buy Houses

How we buy houses, step by step



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Krysta Stopped My Foreclosure

The stress and fear involved when facing foreclosure is, simply put: paralyzing.  I am a regimented businessman with a keen eye for details and the power to take action. If someone would’ve told me a couple of years back that I would be in this situation I probably would’ve laughed in their face. There I was literally hours away from seeing my home of 20 years get auctioned from under my feet. 

Just as it seemed all options were off the table, Krysta literally swooped in like a superhero and miraculously stopped the trustee sale, scheduled for the next morning. Not only that, she was able to convince my lender to listen and hear the severity of my situation, and in doing so Krysta was able to get me more time to work on options to save my home and jumpstart my life.

Fear and stress was holding me hostage, I was trapped with no way to see any relief on the horizon. I am very grateful to Krysta and her team for being able to see the things that I could not, to convince my bank to listen when I could not. Somethings are definitely best left to the professionals… This was one of those things! Thank you very much for your assistance. 

– ~Mr. Ross, Oakland, CA

Selling Your House Can Be A Quick And Simple Process

Chakra Home Buyers Uses Creative Financing to Purchase Houses When Situations Call For Other Options Besides a Cash Offer.

Let Me Explain.

  • First and foremost we provide ALL CASH OFFERS– that is what we find is usually the best OPTION for our customers.
  • We will discuss your situation, sometimes it is not possible for you to take a CASH OFFER. But you are still in need of selling your property. There are other options..
  • We will mention ways we could possibly help. We use a technique that is called CREATIVE FINANCING, which is typically a non-traditional way to purchase property. Not all companies provide this option.
  • If you qualify, there are also times where we can help you out of a FORECLOSURE by paying off your late payments and finding a way for you to stay in your house. (You have to Qualify for this option)
  • WE WILL FIND THE BEST SOLUTION FOR YOU– That is what we do, you will not be sorry you contacted us. See our reviews

Chakra Home Buyers buys houses in California
Check out just a few of the places WE BUY HOUSES


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